Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mothers - Unidentified Entrepreneurs

A seed turning into a fresh green sapling , soiled carefully, watered wisely kept in a lighted place. Closely monitored , assessed for proper growth and prepared for sweating hot noons, cold nights, dreadful droughts to thundering storms. That gardener was super skilled in her job without any gardening training although. She learned from life and put her heart into that sapling. The sapling turned into a beautiful, wise and educated 'me' and the gardener 'my mom' still guides me with unswerving words and unwavering instincts.
My mom,a visionary, who worked to make a cross functional and self-reliant human. A leader, who steered me with meticulous feedbacks, leading me to my sails, trusting me to fail and learn, motivating me to excel and lead. I wonder no SCRUM was there to certify my mom as a successful scrum master or a professional Agile leader. And I believe most of the mothers are .... Unidentified Managers,Scrum Masters,Gardeners,Teachers,Mentors,Coaches,Developers,Quality Analysts... of our lives.  

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

On Humans... Just a thought !!!

Humans…We…Our Experiences…. Our Principles….our Laws…our Axioms…our Theories…our jurisdictions…our Rights…our Wrongs….our Religions...our LIMITATIONS
Everything can’t be as per human’s experiences with so called theories of existence… Who knows what’s beyond…beyond human’s eyes, beyond human’s thoughts, beyond human’s visions… If we used to think that 'earth is flat', then it was. If we discovered it is a sphere then everybody claims that it is… But until then it was supposedly flat for almost 1000 years or so…If other beings see more than us, if they know when they are going to die, if they know many other things that we don’t… Who knows….. Its what we think is true is true. Likewise, we impose our principles our laws , our religions on every individual, every race , everything in this world… We bind everything in rules… We limit infinite potential  to dormant, so as to lead void and nothing out of it.
Who knows, if a pigeon closes eyes on seeing a cat thinking she doesn’t exist or does he surrender peacefully knowing everything and accepting end of life without a second thought.. May be he sees beyond. May be he knows beyond… I don’t know…but just a thought…

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Be you, Just be you and Just only be you !!!

Who creates the soul, who concocts us whole
Who am I, i brood; as the calendar days roll
Uh! Fire,water,space,earth and air
Why then torment for what people care?

Be you, just be you and just only be you
Choose your love,luck,dreams,life but eiuuu
I worry for people's thoughts , I wonder,
I fret for what hoi polloi do ponder.

I wasn't there before 30 and won't last forever
Lemme ruminate on self ,be perky and clever
I feel unlatched and free, out of the blue
Be you, just be you and just only be you!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Come out of chores!!!! A call to self....

When you want to live is, when you live again...
When you want to live is,when you think again...
When you want to live is,when you love again...
When you want to live is,when you are you again... 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Hunger vs Satiety

I was walking down the street
Jumping up the pathholes to beat a retreat

On a hot summer day with dry leaves on ground
And my heels thither making a tick tock sound

Counting the cars and seeing their models
Rushing and singing effectuating in a yodel

Observing the people and their children passing by
My gaze stopped at a man after listening to his cry

He was sitting near a filthy drain with his hand dipped inside
In search of some food with his eyes opened wide

My tears streamed down and I was almost dead
Picked from that dirty drain when he ate that bread

Happy he was and my shame was at heights
As we brand obsessed people waste many bites

Please don't waste food and throw it in bin
Pack it up and give it to some poor skinned...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Random Thought...

I was wondering today that a person of 30 years of age has spent almost one third of his life but 30 years is just 10950 days. We have short spans of life... Indeed very short!!! 
So live life to the fullest always... Love your parents ... Relish your friendships.... Chase your dreams...Be happy...Smile often... Live but most importantly let live...

Friday, October 8, 2010


Lord here means "Inner conscience , i am talking to"
No religions please ...

Bendiga Bendiga Bendiga please
Bless him, Bless her, bless those and these
Make us warm with your cool cool breeze
We pray to you , bent down on our knees.

You left us to live by trusting hard
You taught us all, gave good luck card
You gentle hinted us with the attic smile
Gave us full grades and closed our file

We live , we work and pace up our drive
Get a mass of things and always thrive
We attempt and move, making many mistakes
Pump against your axioms without any brakes

Move shamelessly in pride with fake-fake faces
Commit ugly and evils without any traces
We look at you , you still say the same
"I trust you my child" , you will win this game

We now felt sure that you will open our file
And give us a zero as now bond is fragile
We know , we realize and still dont stop
You sowed something else and here's a different crop

Cant face you lord, cant roll more dice
You still appease us "to make more tries"
You guard us close and rejuvenate from eyes
Your smile still the same, soothing and nice

You ignore our bads , and never keep files
You don't even remember and make heaps or piles
Value only good acts and love us ever
You are so so good, then why our hands shiver?

O Father, O my father , you still trust us !!!
Completely hopeless , we make all fuss
We hereby promise to start once again
We will be virtuous , wont give u more pain

Be with us ,as you always do
Make us think good, make us like you
Taking all for good and relish our birth
Improve our lives and give it a worth

Bendiga Bendiga Bendiga please
Bless him, Bless her, bless those and these
Make us warm with your cool cool breeze
We pray to you , bent down on our knees.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Me :)

This one is written for me ...
Aur kaun likhega, obviously mere bestest papa ne likhi hai...
Mele liye...Hihi :)

Its a beautiful day for a reason,
You gotta be one of them
You just came and spread a smile
That helps me throughout the daily mayhem

Its effect is far and reaching
You might not fathom it now
But Its a world good to me
When you're around somehow

You take care, you work hard
and never do you show this all
But i might know, and im proud
to know someone who's gr8est of all :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Colours of Dreams !!!

These are the wishes of a a little girl. Though small, yet i promise you need to give it a second read to understand the depth of her wishes...

A sweet naughty gal lives in a fascinating house
Who loves the stories of cat and mouse
Princess she is , The Cutest Pie
Speaks so sweet, never does she lie.

With lil lil eyes and angelic voice
She keeps on babbling everything of her choice
With a simple hello, became friend of mine
Her wishes so bold, at the age of nine.

About her garden and touch of a flower
The smiling roses during rain shower
Chirps of her sparrows and sounds of their flight
She loves being there all day and night.

"I love my grandma", twitters that doll
Who utters me stories, since i was so small
Of beautiful peaks covered with white snow
Of Charismatic fairies & colors of a rainbow.

She told a wish, close to her heart
" Would love to see me in my favorite skirt
Or just enjoy each moment of my dream
Or simply watch a melting ice-cream.

Would love to dance on beats of rock band
Or cross a road, without a holding hand
To look in the eyes of my favorite friend
Or select myself a single dress in trend.

Would i attentively see the colors of a dawn
Perhaps will watch all flowers in my lawn
Maybe i drive all dashing cars
Or once count the twinkling stars.

If i could see me dance and race
Or would look at just my own face
Probably would hug my mom and dad
That only day, i would be most glad.

To cross all ifs, musts and should
I wish i could, i just wish i could...
Will live my whole life, i seriously say
Iff could be lent eyes for a single day
Iff could be lent eyes for a single day..."

I would donate my eyes after i am gone.
Would you???

Monday, September 14, 2009

Onset First Anniversary - September 15th, 2009

Its one year since we are together in Hughes Systique - Our first job....
The year long journey was super smooth and seemed so small because of Onset people.
A tribute to them through this ode........Cheers Onset :)

Exactly one year ago, we met some 'somebodies'
Who turned into friends and then into buddies.

Those Enigma days, Diwali dance and plays,
Still is fresh, that enthu and craze.

Dumb charatz, Frizby and those coffee sessions
We will keep alive all such passions

Together we came, together we did grow
Cheers to Onset, for many more miles to go.

Thoughts to depart, Oh No....Never
We will be together...Ever....Forever....

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I wanted to fly !!!

In our lives every day , every moment and at every stage we face many new challenges. Sometimes we fail, sometimes do not even gather the courage to initiate. And during our life run, there are some strong energies around us, either inner voice of ours or your mother, your guardian, your friend, you yourself or your god.... to pat at your back, to make you move ever and ever. The need is to assimilate in that positive energy. This becomes your power to win each such challenge at hand.

I wanted to fly, fly very high
Thought many times to give a try
And not cry, not even sigh
Just to know , who am I.

With so many wishes, there i start
With no clear thoughts, i tried very hard
All got messy and all thoughts mingled
It seemed very hard and certainly i crippled.

Not just crippled, i actually lamed
Still happy i was, and never blamed
I knew, i could and i will, some day
But wished silently, an enlightening ray !

As i tried, like a new bie
I looked at sky, very very high
An angle touched me and held me tight
And made me ready for a fresh flight.

There trained me , a voice very strong
A vision very clear, for a journey too long
For my little wings that there just spread
A warm and caring hand blessed my head.

A blissful smile, some warmth and care
An approach to flush worries was always there
A jolly mood and eyes that guide
To stay always fearless and enjoy my ride.

A hand to hold, if ever i fall
Who made all barriers seem so small
A commitment to win, then i learned
A vision for whole life, i actually earned

There he left and flied very high
In a different world , in a different sky
To make others fly, fly very high
And free just other, some other newbie...

There he left and gave his glimpse
Memories i have, then and since
But happy am i, as i fly
fly very high and reach my sky.....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This is U, My friend. A True Friend !!!

There are some people who know you and are there when u need them.The first name in list of such people is of my pyaari MA :) Obviously nobody can be so close than her. But dheere dheere some ppl come in our lives who know us better than ourselves.
This composition is dedicated to one such special friend.....'Shefali'

A small little problem lied at the corner of my heart
Though i chose to hide it but could not make a start
You approached silently and made me tell
And then i dont know how all turned well.

A disturbing concern made me upset
Within my soul just lied its effect
I still kept mum and preferred to avoid
One advice of you turned million troubles into void.

Once again at some time i was burdened with a boulder
I could not bear it myself and needed a shoulder
This time for a change i decided to tell
And i gathered some courage to come out of my shell.

But what happened after that made me tight lipped
And tears came out, and rolled and dripped
I was about to tell it but you already knew
How can you know it without any clue???

You answered by looking deep in my eyes
"That you were always in our own though i made many tries
So i learnt the art of reading your face"
You made me realize that i hold a special place.

My eyes got all more wet and i bent on my knees
My hands got cold and the moments got freezed
You are entirely different , So Divine, So pure
You cannot be compared, you are you for sure !!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

God's Message

Its a shallow pond for everybody
but y does it seem an ocean to me

Profoundly deep and extensively dark
O god! help me up and ignite ur spark

Let me see the world above
Embrace me tight and spread your love

He held my hand and gave me a buss
Then closed my eyes and spread his lust

I followed his voice and listened to what he spoke
He gave me his message for each and every folk

He said that i m within all and never see me far
Just see me in all and be my beautiful star

Remember the mortality and Dont vanish in rat race
Just spend some time to look at needy's face

With a beautiful smile, go my baby ; just rush
Wipe their tears and make them blush!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Precious Pearls

This is my composition in which i ve tried to express how we get thankless for good moments(which i m calling pearls here) that we get and our state of considering ourself the supreme authority , the way we keep on advising god...  rather cursing god everytime for what we dont get without having the vision of the ultimate creator and his plans for us.
Through this poem i am trying to thank every single person... my parents,my friends and everybody who has given me their company and the moments that i cherished.

पूरा नहीं मेरी ज़िन्दगी में सब क्यूँ
हर इक चीज़ की होती इक हद क्यूँ
सोचती थी अक्सर मैं तन्हाइयों में
वो दिन की बनती बिगड़ती परछाइयों में
तू है मेरी निधि की अनमोल सी दौलत
बनाया था तुझको ये थी मेरी रहमत
फिर भी मुझी पर उंगली  उठाई है तब तो
दूंगा वही जो तू चाहेगी अब तो
वो अधूरे सपने, वो अधूरे करम
वो अधूरी ख्वाहिशें, वो अधूरे रहम
कहा मैंने उसको कि दिया सब अधूरा
कुछ देना है मुझको, तो देना वो पूरा
मिलेगा सब पूरा, कहा उसने, तुझको
फिर इक दिन मिले कुछ मोती ये मुझको
खनखनाते, खिलखिलाते, ये सुंदर से मोती
पवित्र से , सोहल से, स्वजल से ये मोती
वो हस्ते मुस्कुराते पलों के मोती
वो चुलबुली चहकती सी बातों के मोती
बिन मांगी जो पाई वो इज्ज़त के मोती
उन पलों में मिली क़यामत के मोती
प्यार के धागे में वो मोती जो डाला
बनने लगी इक अटूट सी माला
चाहने लगी रब से भी ज्यादा मैं उसको
जहाँ से प्यारा था इक-इक मोती वो मुझको
अनगिनत मोती ये देता रह मुझको
देखती हूँ इनमें, तेरी रहमत और तुझको
माँगा फिर रब से ,रहे ये माला अधूरी
जब तक न हो ये ज़िन्दगी ख़त्म पूरी
माँगा पूरा, जब दिया था अधूरा
मांगती है अधूरा, जब दिया मैंने पूरा
आई है अब तो सज़ा की घड़ी
पूरी होगी अधूरी ये माला जो पड़ी
ख़त्म हुए तेरे मोती और हुई पूरी माला
जो माँगा था तूने, वो पूरा कर डाला
ऐ बन्दे, जो मिल जाए सब तुझको यूं ही पूरा
तो करेगा क्या पूरा, जो रहा है अधूरा
गिर पड़ी मैं ज़मीन पर, बोली मैं रोती
देता रह हमेशा ये माला के मोती
आँखों में आंसू , और कर के मैंने झोली
मांगी फिर माफ़ी जो अपशब्द थी बोली
मिलते रहे ये पल और प्यार के मोती
क़यामत में अपनी रहूँ इनको पिरोती
अच्छी  है  माला ये ऐसे अधूरी
ज़िन्दगी भर करती रहूँ इसको मैं पूरी...